Q: What is the FUT Birthday event?A: FUT Birthday is an event that Electronic Arts organises to celebrate the Ultimate Team anniversary.Q: When FUT Birthday event was released for the first time?A: FUT Birthday was released for the first time ever in FIFA 14. It was known as ‘Five Years of FUT’. Q: What is a FUT Birthday item?A: FUT Birthday cards are unique items, featuring boosted ratings/stats and position-changes, assigned to a selection of players to celebrate the FUT anniversary. Q: How many players get one of these items?A: Aroun... ...
There are a few topics more controversial than others. This, in particular, is the reason for many discussions. However, we have no taboos. We believe that the more the community is informed, the more protected it will be. It’s time to know the FIFA 20 cheats and how to fight them. Cheating Disclaimer Before anything else, stop spamming us telling how disappointed you are with us. If you spend two minutes on this page, you will understand why we are doing this. We are trying to help the FIFA community, not the cheaters. W... ...

Q: What is the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day?A: It is an event that Electronic Arts releases to celebrate the Irish St Patricks Day.Q: When St Patricks event was released for the first time?A: St Patricks was released for the first time ever in FIFA 13. Q: When is the FIFA 20 St Patricks Day?A: The promotion will probably run on March 17, 2020 (Tuesday). Q: How many players get one of these items?A: Around 21 players. Q: What can we expect from the St Patricks Day event?A: FUT pack offers, themed kit and eventually green players cards release. ... ...

THEMED ITEMS The list of all FIFA 20 Shapeshifters players.For a limited time, Shapeshifters items are released in packs. No predictions were made for these items. No items were announced so far Q: What is a Shapeshifter item?A: Shapeshifter cards are unique items, featuring boosted stats.Q: When Shapeshifters event was released for the first time?A: Shapeshifters promotion was released for the first time ever in FIFA 20. (more Q/A will be added soon) PROMO PACKS The list of all promo p... ...

Q: What is a Carniball item?A: Carniball cards are unique items, featuring boosted stats, assigned to players from one of eight countries where Carnival is celebrated.Q: When Carniball event was released for the first time?A: Carniball promotion was released for the first time ever in FIFA 19. Q: How many players get one of these items?A: Around 26 players. Q: How are Carniball Items chosen?A: While they all share a spirit of creativity, fun and celebration, each also retains elements unique to it’s region. FUT 19 Carniball embodies this ... ...

Have you ever looked at FIFA 20 Pack Names and thought to yourself ‘well, this is confusing’? Of course you have, we’ve all been there. It’s easy to get lost by such long names that often seem so alike. After all, there are around 100 packs in the game, and there’s always something like Mixed, Premium, Prime or Electrum in the name. But what the hell do these things mean? As if that wasn’t already enough, EA continue to grow the family and it’s getting harder and harder for anyone to recall what each pack includes.... ...

It is possible to see in-game what are your chances of pulling a premium player before opening a pack on the FUT store. Find out the probability of any pack and how you can use FIFA 20 pack odds for your own good. Introduction to the FIFA 20 Pack Odds Pack Probability in FUT It was in FIFA 19 that EA revealed the odds of getting a highly-rated player in every pack available on the FUT store. In other words, pack probabilities detailed the likelihood of what you get in every pack that you purchase. This was to make it more t... ...

Q: When Headliners event was released for the first time?A: Headliners were released for the first time ever in FIFA 19.Q: Who qualifies to be a Headliner?A: Headliners are a curated selection of players who are on an exceptional run of form through the season so far. In addition, to qualify for selection as a Headliner, the player must have had at least one performance-based in-form this season and must not have an existing dynamic item, TOTY item or a base item rated 90 or above in FUT 20. Q: How the Headliner rating is determined?A: At th.. ...

FIFA 20 Weak Foot Upgrades were released and you can find on this page the updated list of the new four and five-star weak foot players for FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. FIFA 20 Weak Foot Upgrades FIFA 20 Weak Foot Upgrades Release Date and Rules The Weak Foot Skill measures the ability of a player to shoot with one foot as he does with his preferred foot. All players have a preferred foot. Having a 5-star weak foot rating means that a player’s weaker foot shot is identical to their preferred foot shot. Having a 1-star weak fo... ...

FIFA 20 Skill Upgrades were released and you can find on this page the updated list of the new four and five-star skillers for FIFA 20 Ultimate Team. FIFA 20 Skill Upgrades FIFA 20 Skill Upgrades Release Date and Rules The Star Skill Moves measures the ability that a player has to perform technical moves. To all skill moves are assigned a number between 1 (least complex) and 5 (most complex). The players with higher skills, like Ronaldo, are able to perform more complex moves. If you often use these moves to confuse the o... ...