Klondike : + 1 ambroisie [25 énergies] GRATUITE
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À l'aube de la sortie de Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered, le studio Aspyr a livré une liste non exhaustive des ajouts et bonus qui seront inclus dans ces remasters de Soul Reaver 1 et 2. Soul Reaver premier du nom fêtera ses 25 ans cette année. Un quart de siècle, soit une éternité dans l'industrie vidéoludique, et donc la fenêtre de lancement idéale pour un double remaster rassemblant Soul Reaver 1 et 2. Outre les lissages graphiques inséparables d'une telle démarche, avec des modèles 3D entièrement re... ...
Arrivé le 12 novembre dernier sur nos bécanes, Farming Simulator 25 s'impose toujours comme l'empereur des lycées agricoles : Giants Software affiche deux millions de ventes en sept jours. C'est tout simplement le meilleur démarrage de l'histoire de la franchise, puisque Farming Simulator 22 s'était « contenté » d'1,5 million d'exemplaires écoulés sur la première semaine de commercialisation. Giants Software précise que Farming Simulator 25 a atteint un pic de 135 000 joueurs connectés simultanément sur Steam, sa... ...
FC 25 Pro Live is an event based on an e-sports competition. Depending on it, dynamic items are upgraded or not. FC 25 Pro Live The FC Pro Live event is an Ultimate Team event associated with an e-sports competition, reflecting the growing popularity of these tournaments.The standout feature of this promotion is its dynamic cards, which can be obtained in packs or by completing SBCs and objectives. These items are upgraded whenever the associated esports player achieves specific goals. November 00/003 points: +1 IF Upgrad... ...
The Best Goalkeepers Ligue 1 goalkeepers are the least utilized players on the field, often being overlooked when building a team. Most players prioritize acquiring forwards first, then strengthen the midfield and defense, leaving the goalkeeping position for last.However, a good goalkeeper can significantly impact a game, potentially saving numerous goals. They are also often a wise investment due to their relatively affordable prices. When selecting a goalkeeper, it’s crucial not to rely solely on their overall rating. Two essenti... ...
The Best Right Backs The role of Ligue 1 right backs is similar to their counterparts on the opposite flank. Their primary objective is to make it challenging for opposing wingers and actively contribute to their team’s offensive strategies.Defending and pace are crucial attributes for any right back in this league. As defenders, they need to possess strong defensive abilities to minimize the risk of conceding goals. Given the nature of play on the flanks, which tends to be faster than the central areas of the field, right backs need to... ...
The Best Forwards Ligue 1 forwards bear the greatest responsibility for scoring goals.Scoring goals primarily hinges on accurate footwork, making shooting a vital attribute for forwards. Physicality is also crucial, comprising three key stats: jumping ability for heading, strength to outmuscle opponents, and stamina to make those crucial sprints towards the goal. However, for strikers, possessing excellent shooting and heading skills may not be enough, depending on the style of play and formation. In such scenarios, pace becomes indispens... ...
Q: What is a POTM item?A: FC 25 POTM items are unique upgraded cards released for each league every month, recognizing the most in-form players.Q: How do I get a Player of the Month item?A: The only way to obtain an FC 25 POTM item is by completing its SBC, which is typically available for 30 days. You won’t find them on the transfer market because they are untradeable. Q: What are the POTM ratings?A: Compared to the regular card, the boost of POTM items can go from +1 IF to several points. Q: How are selected the POTM winners?A: Except the.. ...
A FC 25 Tax is applied to each item sold in the Ultimate Team transfer market. Tax In the Ultimate Team game mode, EA imposes an Ultimate Team Tax, equivalent to 5% of the sale price, on all transactions conducted through the Transfer Market. This fee is deducted by EA when players sell items like player cards or consumables, regardless of the item’s value.For instance, if you sell an item for 2,000 coins, the UT Tax will subtract 5% (100 coins) from the sale, resulting in a net earning of 1,900 coins. This deduction is au... ...
Pack Name Items Super Elite Pack500,000 C | 5,000 FCP 100 Super Ultimate Pack400,000 C | 2,500 FCP 250 Super Premium Pack400,000 C | 1,500 FCP 15 Super Jumbo Pack300,000 C | 2,500 FCP 150 84+ Elite Pack300,000 C | 1,100 FCP 10 85+ Rare Players 10 PackNot available on the Store 10 83+ Rare Players 25 PackNot available on the Store 25 Summer Jumbo Ultimate Pack250,000 C | 3,000 FCP 70 Summer 87-88 Provisions Pack175,000 C | 1,000 FCP 8 100 Players PackNot availabl... ...
Déjà présentée dans les grandes largeurs en mai dernier, l'extension Total War : Pharaoh - Dynasties se date maintenant au 25 juillet. L'occasion pour Creative Assembly de conclure l'aventure sur une note positive et livrer quelques détails supplémentaires. Ainsi, Dynasties dépassera les frontières égyptiennes pour s'étendre jusqu'en Grèce et Mésopotamie dans une nouvelle carte étendue accueillant quatre nouvelles factions majeures - Troie, Mycènes, Babylone et l'Assyrie - ainsi qu'une flopée de factions mineu... ...